
I became a serious writer about seven years ago. I’m not sure why I decided to do it. The idea of being writer was always there I guess, just simmering under the surface of other creative pursuits. I began writing children’s picture book texts and joined an amazing organization called the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

SCBWI was where I learned about the craft of writing and the business of publishing. It was where I made many friends, a lot of whom are published authors today. It was where I learned to have the courage to show my work and to accept critique with grace. It was where I discovered my true love.

Writing novels.

In the last four years, I’ve drafted and revised two novels with the encouragement and of course, honest critique of my writing group (you know who you are!) Then I began the arduous process of querying agents. The road has been bumpy and long, but I am happy to say that I have reached the next milestone in my journey as a writer….

I have an agent!!!!!!

Check out my happy dance here!

My friend and critique partner, Erin Fry (author of Losing It), congratulated me with these lovely flowers.

I am represented by Paula Munier of Talcott Notch Literary. She’s wonderful! I’m thrilled to have someone with her publishing experience as my agent. And she loves my book! She totally gets where I’m coming from and what I hope to achieve. I’m so excited to work with her!

With that said, I have some revising to do. đŸ™‚

P.S. Sorry about all the !!!!

Filed: News

2 responses to “A Writer’s Journey: On Reaching the Next Milestone”

  1. I love your passion about Paula! I feel the same way. It's so wonderful to have someone with her experience in the industry guiding my career. I am so blessed. Great to meet an agent-sister!

  2. Marie says:

    I agree! I'm happy to meet an agent-sister as well! (Oh how I love sayng that!)

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