Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

It’s definitely going to be an interesting one. I’m finishing up my edits and hope to send my book to my agent TODAY. Yes, it will be the first thing I do in 2013. The perfect way to herald in the new year.

It’s taken me nearly two months to complete revisions because life happens and it demanded my full attention. Holidays, a death in the family, and family visiting from across the country occupied most of my days in December but I managed to put in an hour or two of revising here and there. And finally, I am almost finished. For now.

Hopefully, my agent will give the manuscript a thumbs-up. Then it’s off to the races! Or rather, to submissions, hehe. I hear this waiting period will be harder to bear than waiting to hear from an agent. That’s okay. I’ll just have to dive into my next book project.

But first, I must get back to work. Then it’s time to catch up on my reading, and maybe a bit of knitting! And after that, some writing. 🙂


Filed: News

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