Wednesday, 23 January 2013

It’s the feeling you get when you are waiting for news, for the birth of a child, or results of an exam you studied so hard for. You feel it in your stomach, a gnawing, twisting sensation that makes you reach out for something to distract you. Some people excercise (good for your body), some like to shop (not so good for your wallet), and others like to knit (not so good for your ass.)

I’m guilty of the last one (I compensate by power-walking from my car to work every morning.) Ever since I sent my revised manuscript to my agent, I have been knitting. A lot. Oh, I’ve been reading too, but sometimes the pins-and-needles thing would start up and distract me from my distraction.

So I mostly knit. Here is what I have made so far…

A pair of fingerless mitts for a friend at work. I made these with double point needles but I’m finishing up a second pair using the “magic loop” technique (love!)

The second pair will be dark gray and is for another friend at work. There are cold hands here in California!

The other project I finished was a Lucy Hat, a pattern from Knitscene Magazine, Special Winter Issue 2012. My daughter agreed to model the hat for me.

After I finish the second pair of fingerless mitts, I will make socks. Yes! Can’t wait!

One great thing knitting does for me is it helps me think. When I’m sitting at my writing desk, staring at the words on the computer screen, stuck on a plot point or how to make a particular scene stronger, I pick up my knitting and think through it until I get that “aha” momment. It works for me about 90% of the time. I also like to brainstorm for my next book project while I knit.

Speaking of my next project, I need to get cracking and my knitting needles clicking! Pins-and-needles be damned!

Seriously though, I am so grateful that I have my knitting to keep me company and to help me cope with all the waiting that comes with the business of publishing. It feeds the fire of my need to create, to make something I can share with others. Most importantly, it keeps me writing.

Till next time.

Filed: News

5 responses to “On Pins and Needles”

  1. khrome says:

    Hi there, as a commenter on the khromeatplay blog and seemingly someone who might know her IRL I was wondering what's up (her account seems inactive and her domains have been squatted). As the 2 online 'khrome's we always kept an eye on each other online and I'm just concerned about the 'other' khrome. Thanks for any info!

  2. Olga says:

    I couldn't agree more! Knitting or crocheting for me, let's your mind wander while your fingers stay busy. It seems to bridge the present/concrete with the future/abstract.

    Keep us posted!

  3. Marie says:

    Hi there! She's doing fine. I believe she's busy with school and family. It could be the reason why she hasn't been active online.

    Hope that helps!

  4. Marie says:

    I will, thanks!

  5. Taylor Ross says:

    Hi Marie!

    I feel sort of silly contacting you via blog comments, but I couldn't find your email. We met briefly at WDCW–I ran off after Terrie and by the time we returned to chat with Paula, you had gone.

    Since viewing your Twitter feed and blog, I feel you're the kind of person I'd really like to get to know better! I'm currently working on my second new adult novel, and I'm a craftsy sort myself (though more of a crocheter than a knitter, I'll admit). I love your fingerless glove projects! I have a pair I made for myself in high school, which I never wear since I didn't really know what I was doing and didn't make them especially well. I also have a pair my mom made for me, which are lovely.

    I'm in LA also and would love to meet for coffee. (Perhaps a NaNo write-a-thon? I see you're gearing up as well 😉

    If you'd be interested in connecting, please email me:


    P.S. In case you'd like to learn a little about me to ensure I'm not a total crazy person, my Twitter handle is @TaylorLaurenR and my website is
    And here's a blog post of mine that includes pictures of my most recent crocheting project, hats for a baby shower!

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