Sunday, 22 November 2009

Yes, it has been a ridiculously long time. I actually have an LJ account as well and I haven’t been blogging there either. But I think I’ll switch to using this one for now as I journey through submissions and writing my second novel.

I haven’t blogged about my submission journey for fear of jinxing it. Being superstitious though, doesn’t do me much good. What will be, will be, and if someone out there loves my book, then they will love it regardless of how much I blab about it here.

So, in submission news, I do have fulls out to a couple of awesome agents. It’s been nearly a month since I’ve sent them out and am trying to wait patiently. Having a new project really helps! I’ve been happily brainstorming and writing in between my compulsive email checks, which I have disciplined myself to doing only every two or so hours on week days …. yes, it still sounds pretty manic but I try … of course, being busy at work helps. I work in the cytogenetics field, btw, so if you have any questions about chromosomes then I’m your girl!

About my wip, I was hemming and hawing over what to write because of something I heard at an SCBWI conference. It was something about writing a second book that is similar to your debut novel because the audience you build with your first book will be looking for something similar in your second. Not that I have a debut novel yet, but I thought I’d get a head start. Anyway, my writing friends say that I should just write whatever my heart is telling me to write at the momment. So, the decision was made. Unfortunately, my wip sounds a little like a novel that came out last September … I’ve purchased the book and will read it soon just to make sure my wip isn’t too similar.

On reading news, I’m reading When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. It came highly recommended by my good friend Stephanie so I bought it right away. I’ll write a review on the book as soon as I finish.

On knitting news, I recently finished a pair of fingerless gloves for my friend Edith who recently moved to Boston. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of them. They are very cute and wonderful to have for writing in cool weather. I’m currently working on a hat for my daughter. I will post a picture of her modeling it soon.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I am in cooking mood. Yayy! I love the cooking smells of a Thanksgiving dinner …. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all!


Filed: News

3 responses to “Finally … another blog!”

  1. khrome says:

    Hi Marie! Glad to hear you you have your book out to publishers! I didn't even know you completed one already. Good luck with that – I hope someone picks it up!! I guess I would have known if I kept up with LJ more often. There are just so many sites – it's hard to keep up.

    I wish I could see the gloves you made!! They sound cute. Do you have an account on

    I hope you have a good Thanksgiving! I'll be heading down to SD for the weekend. Can't wait!


  2. Marie Cruz says:

    Hi Cynde! So great to hear from you! No, I don't have an account at I'll check them out. Have fun in San Diego! I'll be in Temecula for Thanksgiving Day but back in LA soon after since I have to work on the Friday after. What are you knitting? I think I'll check out your website to find out … 🙂



  3. khrome says:

    I'm not knitting anything right now. I have CADD (Crafters ADD.) lol I have a mile long list of things I want to do and make but don't have enough time to do it all. I blog most of it. haha This year I got into doll photography. The link to my gallery is in my blog. 🙂

    I started to learn to really play the uke too. Even though we always had one at home, I only knew like 2 or 3 chords. I need to video record my playing. Do you still play guitar?

    Have fun in Temecula! Tell everyone I said hello. That sucks you have to work on Friday..

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