Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Through the wonderful post of LJer Jama Rattigan, I have found a publisher to submit my picture book story to!!!  She had posted a review for this book … 

 … check it out!  So cool!!!  The publisher is Shen’s Books and they are right in Northern California.  I was so excited about submitting to them that I printed out the most current critiques I had on my story and am now in the process of polishing it up to send out asap.  Well, that was my intention.  As I reviewed the critiques, one in particular stood out and had me thinking.  She brought up some very valid points to improve upon so now the revision and polishing is taking a little longer.  But I mustn’t neglect my WIP!!  And since I want to be a good member of my critique group and submit on time, I will work on my chapters to sub to my group first and if time permits (and it will!), I will work on my picture book submission.

On another note, I’ve decided to resurrect my notes from the SCBWI Summer Conference and share some of it (whatever I can decipher that is) here on this blog.  I think I mentioned this in my previous post so sorry for the repetition.  The next post will probably be my notes from Jennifer Hunt’s talk, “Finding Your Inner YA”.

Till then …


Filed: News

One response to “Eureka!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow, you switched blogs! I have to do that someday. Waiting until I get published though. 😉 Best of luck with your picture book sub!

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