Sunday, 6 December 2009

I’ve been on a knitting craze lately, making small things out of the odds and ends of my stash of yarn.  Believe me, I have quite a stash.  I have a variety of leftover yarn from projects past that are begging to be used for SOMETHING.  Something useful, something cute.  A couple of years ago, I bought myself this book for my birthday ….


I’ve made a few things from this book, most recently, a pair of fingerless gloves for my friend Edith Cohn, to keep her hands warm as she writes (miss you, Edith!).  Sadly, I didn’t take a picture of the gloves because I was so in a hurry to get them done ….  But I did take pictures of all the HATS I’ve made recently!  No, these patterns are not from the book above though my current hat project is (for my dear hubby).

Babies inspire me to knit and when my nephew was born, my knitting needles began to fly!  I found a really easy and cute pattern for an Ear Flap Knitted Cap online, modified it a bit and knitted the hat up in a couple of days.  This is Luca, modelling it, though it’s still a little big, it will fit just right by January.  It’ll keep that precious head and ears nice and warm when his mother takes him on her daily walks around their neighborhood.

This is a pair I made for a friend at work, for his brand new baby girl, Emily.  It became a pair because I actually didn’t like the way the first hat turned out (the one on the right came out curly weird along the edges) so I tried again and liked the second one better (the one on the left is made the same way I made my nephew’s hat).  I ended up “blocking” the hat on the right (basically spraying the hat with water and pinning it down until dry) and giving the hat to my friend anyway.

Both pieces were fun to do because of the color work involved (the right one has fair isle knitting).  The yarn for all three hats was a pleasure to work with.  It was an ultra soft blend of Merino wool and cashmere …. just right for baby …  🙂

Here is my daughter modeling her reversible double knit hat.  The pattern can be found here.  My daughter didn’t want the stripe to be very big so I continued in black.  It turned out kinda cute, huh? 🙂

That’s it for knitted projects!

On writing, I’ve finally found some focus for my work-in-progress and completed two new chapters!  I’m currently recovering from surgery I had last Friday so I’m hoping to catch some writing time while I heal.  Gotta keep the creative flow going. 🙂


Filed: News

6 responses to “Going Crazy for Hats!”

  1. Amarjit says:

    Cool! I have knitted ONLY hats for people- and well a scarf for my middle daughter. Kind of do the simple one- I have been looking for thr ear flap one-instead of buying one- will def. check out the pattern.
    Keep on Reading and knitting!
    BTW-Kate di Camillo is the reason I got into children's books-I have read all hers-
    have u read Eion Colfer's Artemis Fowl series?
    HO Ho HO!

  2. Marie Cruz says:

    Definitely! I just googled for a pattern and there it was. On Kate Di Camillo, you see, Amar, there was a reason you and I got along so well in college! 🙂 On Artemis Fowl, I believe I read the first one eons ago but not the whole series. Will definitely put it on my to-read list.

    And a HO HO HO to you too!


  3. khrome says:

    Oooh those hats are adorable! I've been itching to knit again, myself. The cold weather does that to you! You should post those on Ravelry. Hehe that's all you need right – another social site. 🙂

  4. Marie Cruz says:

    Oh, I know. I've been hemming and hawing about that one … another great cold weather project are scarves, of course! I have a fat pair of needles that'll knit one up really quick (the needles become back scratchers when not in use!).


  5. Your work is beautiful, Marie, but that's no surprise given that the art of your written word is just as lovely.

    Thanks for sharing the pics! I wish I'd known that you wanted a pic because I could've taken one for you before sealing and mailing the box. Sorry about that. Maybe Edith will take a modeling pic. 🙂

  6. Marie Cruz says:

    Oh, that's ok Steph. 🙂 That's a great idea, I think I will ask her for a pic!

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