I’m at home today nursing a sore throat with chicken soup, lemon juice and of course, a good book. I just finished listening to book four in the Harry Potter series, THE GOBLET OF FIRE. Why listen to the book instead of reading it, you ask? I’ve wanted to read the HP series for a […]
I’m a firm believer in doing whatever makes you happy so long as it doesn’t involve hurting people, animals or Mother Nature (just sayin’). My passions have always involved textile crafts such as embroidery, quilting, crochet and knitting. I also have a passion for books, reading them and now, of course, writing them. The focus […]
I changed the name of my blog. I had originally wanted to blog about my thoughts on writing, its process and the benefits it has on my creative mind but I find that my posts have been mostly about books I’ve read, music, knitting projects I’ve completed, and not much about my writing. Only a […]
I have been a terrible blogger!! Has it really been ten months since my last post? Yikes! I see cobwebs everywhere! Just kidding … Anyway, since it’s my day off and the rain is coming down in buckets, I thought I’d post (finally!) something. 🙂 Well, it has been a busy year of writing, SCBWI […]
Especially writing ones. And what a perfect night to enter one while I sit at my desk listening to the rain tapping and dancing on my roof. It is the Dear Lucky Agent contest held by Chuck Sambuchino on his blog, Guide to Literary Agents. It’s a great place to get the latest news and […]
I just finished listening to an INCREDIBLE audio book! Here it is … The story is set in the 1920s and opens with the main character, David Martin, getting a chance of a lifetime to write a story for a well known newspaper in Barcelona, Spain. David doesn’t last long at the paper and soon […]
Here we are! I have many good intentions but no resolutions and I think I like that much better. Less pressure you know. I do plan to be more active, to eat better and of course, to continue writing my new novel as well as query agents all over this great country for my finished […]
I can’t believe Christmas is right around the corner! I finally have all my shopping done, the house cleaned (well, the living room, kitchen, bathrooms and my room. I don’t stress about my teens’ rooms. If they want it clean, they’ll clean it …) and our Christmas tree purchased and decorated. But I can’t relax […]
I’ve been on a knitting craze lately, making small things out of the odds and ends of my stash of yarn. Believe me, I have quite a stash. I have a variety of leftover yarn from projects past that are begging to be used for SOMETHING. Something useful, something cute. A couple of years ago, […]
WHEN YOU REACH ME by Rebecca Stead is a book about the wonderful, confusing, and heartbreaking complexities of childhood friendships. This is the story of eleven-year-old Miranda. It begins with her struggles to understand the reason why her best friend Sal doesn’t want to be around her anymore. It is during this time that she […]